Becoming by Michelle Obama

Becoming is the memoir of Michelle Obama, the First African American First Lady of the United States of America.
This book was really eye opening into the life of Michelle Obama whom I only knew as the wife of Barack Obama and an advocate for healthier food for children across America.
This book talks about her life from living in the south side of Chicago to her years in college to falling in love with Barack Obama to being a mother and then living in the White House as the first African American First Lady and leaving a huge impact on the world.
There were many lessons in this book but one thing that was present throughout all her stories was the idea of adaptation and hard work ethic. There were many challenges in her life but she powered through with a strong work ethic and willingness to adapt to become the person she is today.
She recounts of stories of how she used to always question whether she was good enough and work hard to get top grades even if being a lawyer was not what gave her energy and enjoyed doing. She later realised what her passion was and what her mission was.
One surprising thing that I learnt was about how Michelle Obama disliked politics. She did not like politics and tried to discourage her husband. But later decided to support his mission of making the most positive impact that he could leave on the world.
There are many other stories and one thing that was interesting is that she shares her thoughts and feelings in this book which makes the book more unique and authentic. This made the audiobook of this book a greater joy to listen to as Michelle Obama was the one who was reading it. The audiobook was like a 19 hour one on one interview with one of the most inspiring women of the 21st century.
This is a must read.
There were also many relatable moments for me personally that made this book all the more insightful and wonderful to read.
There were not that much highlights because this memoir was such a joy to read that I did not want to take notes of all the amazing stories. Summaries can be found online if you want more information about this book 📝
“I’d been lucky to have parents, teachers, and mentors who’d fed me with a consistent, simple message: You matter. As an adult, I wanted to pass those words to a new generation.”
~ Michelle Obama