Celsius Court Filing Dox
Celsius, the bankrupt CeDefi lending company, just released customer's information in a 14,000 page court document.
The document contains the real names and transactions of all it's users between April 2022 and July 2022.
The information in this publicly available document is insane. You can literally type in real names of people and see what they were transacting and see if they managed to get their money out of Celsius before the bankruptcy or if they deposited money in the weeks before the freezing of Celsius.
Here's an example of ZachXBT using this court filing to find out how much a Youtuber who has promoting Celsius had in the platform and how much he managed to get out before the freezing of funds.
Did some digging on Twitter and apparently Celsius didn't want to share this information at first but they were told to share this information as users on Celsius are lenders and different laws apply with regards to privacy as a lender.
Lesson from this? Can't put your life at risk for having money if you lost it all
Also can't wait for someone to make a website that makes it easy to search through the 14,000 page pdf and has filters to search for people.
Is it absolutely disgusting that this information was forced to be made public by the courts due to Celsius users being lenders under the law? Yes but then again you KYC'ed for a 8% apy CeDefi platform
UPDATE: SOMEONE DID IT. celsiusnetworth.com exists and bitcoin maxis who have been against altcoins for years are getting caught straying away from their twitter brand. who could have ever guessed that they would have a secret identity as a non-bitcoin maxi